Succes story - meat processing

HAWI Food Group operates production process completely remotely

HAWI Food Group has implemented a fully centralized control system with remote operation for the production of meat products. Additional advantage is that each process step in the chain is fully traceable as well as 24/7 access to the production process.


HAWI Food Group has several production lines for processing a wide range of cooked meat and vega products destined for producers of salads, meals and snacks.

Because the assortment kept growing and the decentralized control became too labor-intensive, HAWI started looking for a central control of the boilers including remote control and fully automatic supply of cooling water.

Cooked meats are used for meals and snacks

Solution approach

In order to realize control with remote operation and fully automatic cooling water control, JUMO replaced the outdated PLC with the modern automation system JUMO mTRON T. In addition, all boilers are equipped with their own temparature sensor, a cooling line, a steam line and an additional cooling line.

Thanks to this additional cooling line, HAWI Food Group now has the option of accelerated re-cooling of boilers so that production capacity can be increased if required.

In addition to continious temperature measurement, valve position is also measured (steam valves open/closed or cooling valves open/closed). All data is then recorded for full traceability of the various process steps.

Example JUMO smartWARE SCADA for process monitoring

Example JUMO smartWARE SCADA for process monitoring

JUMO mTRON T automationsystem

JUMO mTRON T automationsystem

Project outcome

Using technology from JUMO, HAWI Food Group transitioned to a full central control system with remote operation and an automatic supply system of cooling water.

This results into better process control, more convenience, less downtime and consistent quality of the finished meat and vega products.